

Scared Mouse
Once upon a time, there were two mice,
one called Bibi, and his sister called Gigi.
Bibi was a small, scared and a stay-at-home mouse.
But he had a brave sister, Gigi.
One evening, Gigi was woken up by Bob.
B: Hungry hungry! Hungry hungry! Hungry hungry!
G: OK, let’s go to the kitchen to find something to eat.
B: But I am afraid of being lost.
G: Don’t be afraid. You just have to follow the string.
Gigi fetched a big ball of string, and tied one end round Bibi.
They scurried out of the mouse hole, and saw a shadow with something furry.
B: It’s the cat. It’s the cat.
G: 齁.. It’s just a feather duster.
B: Phew.
On their way to the kitchen, they saw two eyes gleaming in the dark.
B: It’s the cat. It’s the cat.
G: Don’t be silly. It’s only a toy cat. If we find the food quickly, we can go back to home as soon as possible. Go Go Go!
B: OK.
Just then, they saw the chocolate cake on the fridge.
B: It’s the cake! Oh, my favorite!
They tried to climb up the fridge. At the time, a shadow fell across their path.
B: It’s the cat. It’s the cat.
G: 齁.. I have told you many times. It’s~ not~ the~ real~ cat. Got it?
啊啊啊~ it is really a real cat. Run! Bibi! Run!
B: No!
Stop, stupid cat. I’ m going to fight with you!
C: 哼.. You? A little mouse?
The cat opened its claws and pounced on Bibi.
But, suddenly, the cat found itself caught in a web of string and fell down.
G: Wow! We won!
Ha Ha Ha~ I told you that don’t be afraid.
B: Right! I am a stronger! (We won, we won)
Bibi was no longer a scared mouse.
After that, if he met the cat, he just said… BOO!

新增時間 : 2013-12-21 17:44:47