
Additional Reading (Why I Registered on Facebook)

The Advantages of Having a Facebook

I’ve started using Facebook since I finished junior high and I consider it a useful social networking account. I’ve got a lot of information from it and it’s become a daily pleasure for me. However, some people like my mom are reluctant to have a Facebook account. She thinks browsing these “gossips” on the net is meaningless, and she says it’s a waste of time doing it. But the truth is, there are definitely several advantages of social networking. First of all, I can keep contact with my friends, including those long lost ones. I can chat with them or at least see how they are doing. If I run into these “friends” on the street, I can recognize them and remember their names. Secondly, it helps dealing with our school work. We share or discuss our project in a “group” we create. This saves the hassle of arranging an exact time and place which all the group members agree to do the report. In addition, we share announcements from school to remind each other. Another advantage of having a Facebook account is that I can get a lot of first-hand information like when there’s an earthquake (Lol). But seriously, those who don’t read newspaper like me, can really consider Facebook as their news source. Moreover, we can keep up with new jokes so there won’t be awkward moments when chatting with people. Finally, Facebook is a great place to share personal feelings. I can update my status anytime and anywhere either short or long, and decide who to share with. I won’t feel lonely, but I still can have my privacy. It is true that there are some unseen dangers on the net and there might be negative or false reports. Like other social networking accounts, Facebook is sometimes addictive depending on people. But generally, people who are sensible can benefit a lot by using Facebook.

新增時間 : 2013-11-23 15:08:33