
英閱寫book report - The White Mountains

  The book I read is called “The White Mountains”. It is written by John Christopher. This story is about the world in the future that is controlled by the machines. These machines are called Tripods. When people are fourteen years old, they will be Capped by the Tripods. After they are Capped, their mind will be controlled.

Will was a boy who lived in a village. He had a best friend who called Jack. When Jack was fourteen years old, he was Capped and he became different. Will and Jack weren’t friends anymore. Will was sad because he lost his only friend.

One day, Will met a man whose name was Ozymandias. He acted strange just like a Vagrant whose Capping wasn’t successful. He told Will a place where called White Mountains. People in the White Mountains weren’t Capped and had free mind because Tripods didn’t go into the mountains. Will didn’t want to be controlled, so he decided to escape.

Will met his cousin when he started his journey. His cousin was named Henry. They hated each other and always fought. Henry also wanted to leave the village and he followed Will.

 After Captain Curtis helped them across the sea, a boy joined them. The boy spoke in a foreign language and he could also speak English. Will and Henry liked to call the boy “Jumper”.

They came to an old city after they took the railway. They were excited because there were a lot of things they’ve never seen before. They went down a metro and found some metal eggs in the train. The metal eggs would explode in a few seconds after someone pulled the rings out. They decided to pick some metal eggs with them.

Will felt unhappy because Henry and Jumper became friends but he was alone. When they reached a hut, Will was ill. They met the Countess when she visited the village. The Countess wanted to take care of Will. Will, Henry and Jumper were invited to live in the castle. They planned to escape before a competition a few weeks later. Their Capping Day came after it.

Will made friends with the daughter of Countess. Her name was Eloise. The Count and his family liked Will and wanted him to stay with them. Will didn’t want the Countess to be angry, so he decided to leave during the competition. He wanted Eloise to come with him but she was already Capped and she wanted to serve the Tripods. Will was angry and left at that night.

When Will left the castle, a Tripod caught him but didn’t Capped him. He didn’t know what happened after that. He met Henry and Jumper again and they noticed a Tripod followed them. They found there was a metal button on Will’s arm and they cut it out.

The Tripod was going to catch them. Will threw the metal egg and it was broken. A lot of Tripods came to search them. They hid and the Tripods didn’t find them. At last, they reached the White Mountains. The free men welcomed them. The life wasn’t easy but they were free.

I think it’s important that we should think freely. We can have our own thoughts. People shouldn’t be controlled by others. We don’t need be affected. Everyone is the master of themselves. Fighting for the freedom is a brave thing to me. It is not easy but we should still fight for ourselves.

At the beginning, Will and Henry didn’t like each other. Henry changed during the journey. He helped Will and cared about him. Maybe someone was bad to you before but we should forgive that person when he or she become nice.

Sometimes we think about ourselves and forget to think about others. We should care about the feelings of others. We shouldn’t always think that ourselves are the most important. If we think in this way, we may lose many friends.

A lot of things are difficult. But when we helped each other, these things can also be easy. We can have more strength if we work together. We can complete the things that can’t be finished by one person.

I think it’s an interesting book and I recommend everyone to read.

新增時間 : 2012-12-23 19:53:54
